Our little man has grown so much. His personality is developing more and more and he is such a funny guy! We are so thankful that God has given us such a perfect addition to our family.
Pierson had his 9 month check up and here are his latest stats:
- Weight: 19lbs 14oz (38%)
- Length: 28 inches (40%)
- Head: 18 1/2 (89%)
- 8th tooth came in on 7/3/09
I was pretty surprised about his weight and height being in such a low percentile since he has always been in the upper range. The dr said he was just averaging out especially since he is so much more active. PJ is still not interested in crawling much (although he will if he has too) but he is definitely cruising. One of his favorite activities is to walk back and forth along side the couch in search of the tv remote. His doctor said that a lot of babies that sleep mainly on their backs don't necessarily crawl - I found this pretty interesting.
PJ is really growing & getting cuter every day! What a joy he is!!